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Welcome to Working Live! Learning. Dive into a world of learning and planning tools ranging from Safety & Security to getting you and your company as close to Net Zero as possible.
- Hotel Safety Modules - 15m
- Town Ranger Support Tools - 15m
- Managing Crime in Retail Venues - 15m
- Retail Owner Net Zero DIY Audit - 15m
- TBC - 15m
- TBC - 15m
- TBC - 15m
- Why Bother? - 10m
- Lighting - 15m
- Heating - 15m
- Water Usage - 15m
- Travel - 15m
- At the desk - 15m
- Passwords - 6m
- Phishing - 6m
- Mobile Risks - 6m
- Remote Working Risks - 6m
- Storage Risks - 6m
- Insider Threats - 6m
- Outsider Threats - 6m
* ecoPLAN and Cyber Basics are produced and owned by Limetools Limited
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